





Cool breeze may deprive your skin of the essential moisture that keeps it soft. Bio oil is the new trend which not only offers anti-ageing properties but provides nourishment to the skin. Lukewarm water is ideal to suit your body temperature as it does not dilate capillaries due to excessive heat. Use gentle exfoliators like oatmeal, coffee powder etc. Although make sure that it is not too heavy for your skin otherwise it&Light Pink September Faux Wool faux fur fabric39;ll make your skin look oily and dark..Eat like a king: It is said that winter food has some good calories and great nutrition. Water takes off the natural oil from the body, it plays havoc if you already have a dry skin. Do your business and leave the bathroom immediately. (Photo: Pixabay)

The onset of winters calls for a close surveillance of the closet!All our warm blankets, fur jackets, and cozy pullovers come out instantly so that we can enjoy the weather to the fullest. for a glowing skin.No matter how hard you try, winters bring in the harsh effects on your skin, making it dry and dull.Avoid excessive exfoliation: Since your skin is already dry in the winters, excessive exfoliation will wash off all the natural oils from the skin and can damage it badly causing redness.Dr.

Apart from hot coffee, cold breeze, and snow, dry skin is another synonym that we can use when it comes to winters!No matter how hard you try, winters bring in the harsh effects on your skin, making it dry and dull. Experts shares some useful skin care tips to bring out the natural glow of the soft, supple and luscious skin.Befriend the moisturizer: Regularly moisturize your skin. Have a nutritionally rich diet or foods rich in omega 3s like fish, salmon etc.

Avoid starchy and # sugary foods that will not only bloat your stomach but causes acne, eczema and causes wrinkles. These oils add a protective layer on your skin and offer that super glow!Keep your baths short and sweet: No matter how much you love those hot showers in the cold weather, we strictly advise you to keep it short. We share ways to combat it. A gel-to-cream base moisturizer would be ideal for any skin type. Apply and reapply the moisturizer. and seal it with a superb moisturizing cream. Nuts, fats, seasonal veggies are great for your winter skin. A good moisturizer is a boon for your skin and it'll be great if you make it your best friend.Face oils aren't that bad: This age old method must have been used by your grandma to replenish the skin and moisturize it completely, leaving all the chemicals. Neha Mittal, Cosmetic Physician at Dermaworld Skin & Hair clinic gives some useful skin care tips to bring out the natural glow of the soft, supple and luscious skin



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