





Understandably, the Union minister’s twiter account later on took off the tweet.“That was when we tweeted to Sushma Swaraj madam for help who promptly responded and ensured that my daughter flew back safely to Mumbai via Dubai with the help of Indian embassy officials in Turkey,” the girl’s grateful mother told this newspaper on the phone.

At Istanbul, she was supposed to change her flight en-route to Mumbai.It caught the attention of the external affairs minister too, whose tweet: “That’s a noble gesture from Shahrukh Khan,” must not have failed to confound the film star.

In the end, in the words of the girl’s mother: “All’s well that ends well.In Mumbai, a family friend by the name of Shahrukh — a fellow medical student in Ukraine — and his family came forward and ensured that the traumatized girl received adequate rest in their house before boarding her scheduled flight to Guwahati.It is not every day that a senior Union minister gets caught on the wrong foot over a case of mistaken identity, that too when the person involved is the Bollywood superstar Shah ningbo east longitude plush Rukh Khan.The faux pas was revealed to this reporter after a call to the girl’s family.Meanwhile, with many well-wishers tweeting how Shah Rukh Khan, the Bollywood actor, had helped the girl, it caught the attention of local TV channels who went on the overdrive to report the good Samaritan act of the actor. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj (Photo: PTI) It is not every day that a senior Union minister gets caught on the wrong foot over a case of mistaken identity, that too when the person involved is the Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan.

For 21-year-old Rachna (name changed), an Assamese girl studying medicine at Ukraine’s Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, a trip back home to Guwahati in a British Airways flight for her holidays landed her on July 4 in Istanbul’s Ataturk airport that had suffered a horrifying suicide bomb attack that very day killing 45 people dead and injuring hundreds.”. Normally a transit visa is waived but enhanced security because of the terror attack came in the way and the panic-stricken girl was detained for hours in a room within the airport on the grounds that she did not have a valid transit visa



No Name Ninja